TABLE of CONTENTS of Free Grace Theology Articles
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Free Grace Theology
- Free Grace Soteriology Affirmations
- Brief Free Grace Doctrine Summary
- Is Public Identification with Christ a Requirement for Entrance into Heaven or for Co-Rulership with Christ? Matthew 10:32-33 and 2 Timothy 2:11-13
- Eternal Security is NOT Optional to Saving Faith
- Eternal Security Is A Necessary Component to the Gospel Message
- The Biblical Doctrine of the Atonement: The Purpose of Christ's Death
- Sacrficing Doctrine on the Altar of Unity: Truth Matters!
- Exposition on the Parable of the Sower
- Additional Thoughts on the Second and Third Soils in the Parable of the Sower
- Exposition on Matthew 7:13-23 / ‘Lord, Lord’ and ‘You shall know them by their fruits’ – What Do These Mean?
- Are We Saved by Faith Alone? Or By a Faith That Is Not Alone (Apart From Works)?
- Are the Believers of John 8:30 Spurious Saints or Regenerate Saints Needing to Submit to Discipleship?
- Charlie Bing on John 8:30, 31
- Logical Necessity vs. Theological Necessity in the Doctrine of Soteriology
- Carnality Unto Death: The Sobering Doctrine of the Carnal Christian
- Does Perseverance in Obedience Necessarily Result from Regeneration?
- Is a ‘Disciple’ Necessarily the Same Thing as Being a Christian?
- Everyone Who Believes into Jesus Christ has Eternal life. No Exceptions! The Bible Does Not Know of a Spurious Faith into Jesus. A Consideration of the Saving Faith Language in the Gospel of John
- Jesus Christ is the Only Being in the Universe who Legitimately Guarantees Eternal Life to the Believer in Him for It
- Believe Christ’s Promise and You Have Eternal Life, No Matter What Misconceptions You May Hold
- How Much Information is Really Needed for Saving Faith?
- How Much Information is Needed? Part 2: Illustrated
- How Much Information is Needed? Part 3: Illustrated
- How much Information is Needed? Part 4: Mormons Considered
- My Approach to Dispensationalism
- 1 John 2:19 Commentary
- Acts 11:18 Commentary
- A Super Brief Testimony on How I Came to Free Grace Theology
Articles Pertaining to ‘Faith’
- The Biblical Definition of 'FAITH' with Discussion
- Faith/Trust and All That Jazz: 'Trust' is NOT a Superior Word to 'Believe/Faith' but a Synonym Rightly Understood!
- Free Grace Theology Answers Lordship Salvation’s Fatal Errors on ‘Faith’
- Free Grace Theology Answers Lordship Salvation's Fatal Errors on Faith, Part 2: Solifidian and Daniel of Doulogos
- Does ‘Exercise Faith’ and ‘Believe’ Mean Different Things?
- James 2 and Saving Faith: Does the Bible Teach that ‘Faith’ is More Than ‘Belief’?
The Doctrine of Repentance
- The Universal Command to Repent in Light of the Day of the Lord Part 1 : Commentary on 2 Peter 3:8
- The Universal Command to Repent (Repentance Averts Temporal Calamity) Part 2: Commentary on 2 Peter 3:9
- 1) Logical vs. Theological Necessity, 2) A Consideration of the Gospel of John, Romans 3-5, and Galatians, 3) No Passage in All of Scripture Conditions Eternal Life, Justification, or Eternal Salvation on Repentance
- 1) Faith and Repentance are NOT Two Sides of the Same Coin, 2) Lordship Salvation’s ‘Super Faith’ and Redefinition of Faith, 3) Repentance as a Condition for Eternal Life Places Confidence in the Flesh
- 1) Repentance is Universally Demanded in Light of Temporal Judgment for Sin, Including the Day of the Lord, 2) God Rewards Those Who Seek Him, 3) A Consideration of the Salvation of Cornelius
- 1) Evangelism is Not the Main Concern of the Apostles, Discipleship Is, 2) Acts 17:30-31 Demands Repentance in Light of the Day of the Lord, 3) Luke in Acts Does Not Demand Repentance for Eternal Life; He is Very Clear That Bare Faith Alone in Christ is the Only Condition
- 1) The Uniqueness of Each Individual Needing Salvation, 2) The Requirement of Repentance for Eternal Life Insults the Offer of a Free Gift from a Benevolent God, 3) Illustrations of Logical vs. Theological Necessity, 4) Men May Have to Strive to Enter the Narrow Gate
- 1) The Command to Repent is Universal, 2) The Preaching of the Gospel and the Preaching of Repentance Have Different Functions, 3) A Continuing Consideration of Acts 17:30-31, 4) A Consideration of Luke 24:47
- Laying Down the Gauntlet: Lordship Salvation and Repentance, A Challenge
- Free Grace Theology Doctrine of Repentance: Lordship Salvation’s Frontloading of Repentance Creates a Works-Salvation Gospel
- Repentance in Relation to the Great Commission
- The Soteriology of Paul and John: REPENTANCE is Not Necessary for Eternal Life/Justification
Assurance of Salvation
- Why Sacrifice for God if You Can't Be Certain that Christ Sacrificed for You?
- Another Calvinism Contradiction: Can the Calvinist Have Assurance of Heaven? Logic says ‘No’: A Syllogism Based On Indisputable Beliefs of Calvinism
- Can a Believer be Certain that He Believes Lordship Salvation says ‘No’?
- John Calvin DENIES Reformed/Calvinistic Doctrine of Assurance
- Lordship Salvation ‘Scatters Doubt’ and ‘Stabs at Faith’
- The Confidence of Heaven for Free Grace Theology Contrasted with that of Lordship Salvation
- The Lordship Salvation Docrine of 'Temporary/Spurious Faith' Fatally Wounds Assurance
Rewards/Accountabilty/The Judgment Seat of Christ
- Exposition of 1 Corinthians 6:7-11 / Experientially Unrighteous Christians Will NOT Inherit the Kingdom of God (But They WILL Enter)
- Will All True Christians Be Presented ‘Blameless’ at the Judgment Seat of Christ?
- Doctrine of Rewards: The Judgment Seat of Christ (The Bema)
- The Sobering Accountability of the Christian: It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God...
- The Outer Darkness: a Negative Reward at the Bema Seat
- Are Rewards a Legitamate Motivation unto Godliness?
- Is the Pursuit of Rewards Selfish?
Contra Lordship Salvation
- Is Sanctification ‘Inevitable’ but Not ‘Automatic’ as the Lordship Doctrine Contradictorily States?
- Catholic Apologist Says MacArthur and Lordship Salvation is like Roman Catholic Theology
- The Lordship Salvation Gospel Does not Save and is a False Gospel Part 1
- The Lordship Salvation Gospel Does not Save and is a False Gospel Part 2
- The False Gospel of Lordship Salvation: You Can't Be Saved UNLESS: (Kitchen Sink Soteriology)
- Lordship Salvation’s Consideration of Judas Denies Sole Fide / Faith Alone into Jesus Christ is Not Enough to Save in LS Theology
- Lordship Salvation Qualifies Saving Faith with Works
- Critique of John MacArthur: John MacArthur is 'Hard to Believe'
- A Refutation of John MacArthur's 'Introduction to Lordship Salvation'
- John MacArthur's Radical Re-Definition of 'faith'
- Antonio Responds to Daniel of Doulogos' Attack on Free Grace Theology
- Assurance And Works: An Evangelical Trainwreck
- Antonio Responds to a Lordship Advocate about Faith and Works
- Antonio Responds to Jonathan Moorhead's Attack on Zane Hodges
- Lordship Salvation Absurdities
Contra Reformed Theology
- The Will of God is Necessity: Helpless, Hopeless, yet Unpitiable – A General Exposition Against Calvinism
- Calvinism and its Perseverance Theology is a House of Cards!
- Calvinism and the Sin that Christ Couldn't Have Died For
- Calvinism and Children of Elect Parents - Can You Imagine Your Children as Reprobates?
- Glory By Force / Forced Glorification (How God is Glorified in Calvinism)
- Counseling Nightmares Due to the P in TULIP
- A Study in Contrasts / Old School Non-Calvinism Contrasted with Calvinism
- Philippians 1:6 Does NOT Teach the Perseverance of the Saints!
- More Proof that Philippians 1:6 Does NOT Teach Perseverance of the Saints!
- Calvinism: A Science Fiction Story
- Reformed Theology: 'Do Works or go to Hell!'
- Reformed Theology: Works Necessary for Salvation
- Reformed Theology: Assurance Impossible
- Predestination as a Box of Chocolates
- Box of Chocolates Parable Explained
James 2:14ff (faith/works) Series
- (Post 1) Introduction to James and its Controversy
- (Post 2) Who was James Writing to?
- (Post 3) James 2:14 Discussion
- (Post 4) Cumulative Review of First 3 Posts
- (Post 5) What Kind of Salvation is James Discussing?
- (Post 6) Salvation in James Part 2 / James 1:14-15
- (Post 7) Death in James 1:15 / Eternal or Physical?
- (Post 8) Salvation in James Part 3 / James 1:21
Antonio, Do you ever discuss other subjects by Zane Hodges besides his free grace writings? I'm thinking specifically of his wonderful book... "JESUS GOD'S PROPHET." If you do, please let me know. If not, is there a place to discuss it that you could recommend? Thank you.
I just LOVE your blog!!!
Antonio da Rosa
Your link to Zane's mp3's did not work from your site. I right click and it only let me copy the page, but clicking on it took me to black page, playing, right clicked on that and it did allow me to download as mp3. Thanks for you time and offer of Zane's mp3. Will be back to look more at you site. GES has their 10 messages oz Zane for $15! Was $40. Thanks again.
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